Sarit Centre


Nairobi, Kenya

Sarit Center is located in Westlands and between Lower Kabete Road and Parklands Rd.

Sarit Center was the largest shopping Mall in East and Central Africa and is located in a prime shopping area in Nairobi. HM Design was the consultant from 1990-1996 and provided many services over a 6-year period: • Prepared alternatives and final painting scheme for existing 250,000 ft2 building. • Designed the Overall Master Plan and final Architectural Drawings for a 160,000 ft2 first-phase addition to the existing Shopping Mall. Special emphasis was placed on enhancing all entrances to the Mall so that they are clearly visible. The external façade was re-designed so that the First Phase seamlessly merged with the existing building, thus the whole mall looks like it is one entity. • Design of interior furniture • Design of several retail outlets including Bakery, Fruit and Vegetable Store etc.

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