2021 “Applied Ecolodge Research: Creating Cultural Context Through a “Continuity of the Vernacular” Planning and Design Approach” in the book ****“Destination Unknown: Sustainable Travel and Ethical Tourism”. Edited by Carolin Lusby, Common Ground Research Network, Champaign, Illinois.
2020 “Physical Master Plans: A Roadmap to Developing Sustainable Destinations” in the book “Social Entrepreneurship in Hospitality Principles and Strategies for Change” by Willy Legrand, Miguel Angel Gardetti, Robert Schønrock Nielsen, Colin Johnson, Mehmet Ergul
2017 “The authenticity debate of hunting and fishing as ecotourism” in the Book Authenticity & Tourism: Materialities, Perceptions, Experiences, Editors: Jillian M. Rickly & Elizabeth S. Vidon Emerald Books, England.
2012 “Small Island Sustainable Planning; A Case for West Caicos” in the book “Sustainable Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals”, Editors: K. Bricker, R. Black, S. Cottrell, Earthscan Publishing, London.
2008 “Ecotourism in Madagascar: How a Sleeping Beauty is finally awakening” in the book “Responsible Tourism: Critical issues for conservation and development”, Earthscan Publishing, London.
2007 “Towards an International Ecolodge Certification” –in the book “Quality Assurance and Certification in Ecotourism” -published by CARI, Australia.
2006 “ Lodge du Grouped de Ngwesie” –in the book “Le Guide des Destinations Indigenes” -published by Esprit, France.
2004 “Visual Impacts in Tourism”. in the UNWTO Book – “Indicators in Sustainable Tourism” published in Madrid, Spain.
2004 “Oman Declaration on Built Environments for Sustainable Tourism” –UNESCO
2002 “Site planning” and “Architecture Design” in the International Guidelines Book, published by TIES, Washington DC.
2002 “Cairns Charter on Partnerships for Ecotourism” – Ecotourism Australia
1999 “Ecotourism and Environment Handbook” – PATA, California.
1994 Provided research for a chapter in “People Places” – Clare Cooper Marcus.
2017 “Why Recreational Hunting and Fishing is NOT Ecotourism”
2012 “Small Island Sustainable Planning; A Case for West Caicos”
2010 “Greening China one day at a time”
2003 “North West Point Sustainable Tourism Plan” for UNESCO World Heritage Convention Virtual Congress
2002 “The Sacred Cow in Ecotourism Planning”
1996 “Decay of Nairobi Urban Open Space”
1995 “Lodge Design in Kenya: Working towards a new paradigm”
1994 “Sustainable Design and Technology”
1993 “Building Technology in Kenya: The Challenge”
2017 Review written on the book “Sustainable Tourism on a Finite Planet:” by Megan Epler Wood.
2012 “Towards an Authentic EcoArchitecture in Kenya”, AAK Magazine
“Eco marries Luxury”, Bon Vivant Concierge
2010 “Authentic Ecolodges”, Culture Magazine
2009 “Faint Footprints”, Discovery Channel Magazine
2009 “Ecodesign in Rural and Remote Australia”, Segra On-Line Magazine
2006 “Going Green”, Courier Magazine
2004 “The Ahimsa of Ecotourism”, Jain Spirit Magazine
2000 “Community Empowerment through Planning” Green Hotelier Magazine
1999 “Here be Ecolodges” – Quarterly News letter of The International Ecotourism Society
2020 Second Review of paper – “Assessing the Tourists Satisfaction of Adventure Lodges: A Case Study of Tadom Hill Resorts, Malaysia.”
2017 Review of paper “Assessing the Tourists Satisfaction of ecolodges: A Case Study of Tadom Hill Resorts, Malaysia.”
2014 “Eco-Friendly Technologies” for Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
2013 “Tropical Plant Resource” by Tom Hicks.
2012 “Managing the balance between nature conservation and tourism” – PAN Parks – Authors: Stuart Cottrell and Jana Raadik-Cottrell in the book “Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism: Transitioning into the New Millennium” – Author(s): K. Bricker, R. Black, S. Cottrell
2008 “Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who owns paradise?” – second edition – Martha Honey (2008). Island Press.
2005 “Saving Paradise, the story of Sukau Rainforest Lodge” – Albert Teo
2004 “Nature Lodges and Justification for Biodiversity Conservation*”, TIES.*
2003 “Marine Ecotourism Guidelines” – Elizabeth Halpenny.
2003 “The Business of Ecolodges” – Edward A. Sanders and Elizabeth Halpenny.
2000 “Rethinking National Parks for the 21st Century” – National Park Service, USA
2000 “Designing Tourism Naturally” – Western Australia Tourism Commission
1999 “The Green House Effect – An integrated approach to sustainable tourism and resort development” – Sweeting J, Bruner A. (2000). Conservation International.