
At HM Design, everyone should feel welcome and feel free to be themselves. This is at the very core of our values. To make the website user experience as easy and personal as possible, we make use of cookies. We also use them to ensure we and third parties can serve advertisements that are relevant to you. By using our website, you accept our use of cookies.

A cookie is a text file that contains a small amount of data, which is downloaded by the device that you use to access our website and is stored on its hard disk. These cookies have several uses, allowing our website to recognise your device when you visit again, ensuring you receive the correct content and save information regarding preferences or services that you have provided.

Change your cookie preferences
Below, you can change the preferences of your browser to limit which cookies should allow access. Please note that, if you adjust the cookie settings, you may not be able to use some parts of correctly.

What types of cookies do we use?

Functional or necessary cookies

Functional or necessary cookies ensure that our website functions properly. For example:

  • Remembering which permissions you have given for the collection of your data. 
  • Remembering that you have already applied for a certain vacancy.
  • Stored browser settings so that you can view our website optimally on your screen.
  • An even load on the website so that it is easily accessible and continues to work optimally.

Analytical cookies

We use analytical cookies with the help of third parties to investigate website use. These statistics give us insight into, among other things, how often we are visited and where we can improve our website. In this way we can continuously optimize the experience with our website. The following data is stored, among other things:

  • The IP address that is made anonymous.
  • Technical characteristics, such as the browser you use (such as Chrome, Safari or Firefox), the resolution of your computer screen, your language preference and which device you use.
  • From which page you came to the website.
  • When and for how long you visit or use the website
  • Whether you use functionalities of the website. 
  • Whether our communication is read;
  • Which pages you visit on our website. 

Marketing cookies

We mainly use marketing cookies to show you personalized advertisements, but we omit advertisements if this is no longer relevant to you. You may also encounter our advertisements on third-party websites. We use cookies to keep our communications and these recommendations, promotions and advertisements relevant. These marketing cookies make it possible that: 

  • We can keep track of which advertisements you have already seen
  • We can keep track of how many times you have already seen an advertisement.
  • We can prevent you from seeing the same advertisement over and over.
  • We can keep track of whether you click on the advertisements.
  • We can keep track of whether you are applying after you click on an advertisement.
  • We can measure whether you read our communication and which links you click, so that we can make this communication as relevant as possible for you. 
  • We can combine your online surfing behavior and we build segments from this (combined) data, regardless of which device you use. 
  • We can estimate your advertising interests by means of the built-up segments and tailor ads on third-party websites accordingly.

For the cookies that third parties place for marketing purposes, we refer you to the statements on the websites of these parties. Because the statements can change regularly, we recommend that you consult these privacy and cookie statements regularly. The following third parties place cookies and/or other technologies via our website: