Commerce Connection Public Transit Facility and Public Plaza

Urban Design

Tacoma, Washington, USA

The Commerce Connections Transit Facility and Public Plaza is located between Broadway Plaza and Commerce Street in downtown Tacoma, Washington State, USA.

Hitesh Mehta was an assistant Designer for the design of a major transit facility and streetscape project for Pierce Transit, Tacoma, Washington. He prepared construction drawings and built working models. A public rooftop plaza and a two-story high Waterwall of cascades and plantings conceal a newly constructed 16-bay bus layover garage. This public plaza design provided the impetus for community-wide fundraising to build a theater expansion covering the southern third of the garage roof. Streetscape improvements include glass and steel Gallerias, Skybridge covers and bus shelters plus numerous pedestrian amenities, all set in handsome brick paving patterns. The high design quality, the increased efficiency for transit operations and potential economic gain from air rights for private development produced this exciting and impressive addition to the urban fabric. Construction completed in winter of 1993.

Awards & Media:


1994 –

“Washington State Aggregate and Concrete Association Grand Award (all categories)” for Commerce Connections and Public Spaces Transit Project, Tacoma, Washington, USA

1994 –

“Washington State Aggregate and Concrete Association “Excellence in Concrete Constructions Awards, 1st Place (Case Structure Category” for Commerce Connections and Public Spaces Transit Project, Tacoma, Washington, USA

1993 –

“AIA Southwest Washington Chapter Special Citation Award” for Commerce Connections and Public Spaces Transit Project in downtown Tacoma, Washington, USA